1. What are the five wounds of the soul?
As a child, we encountered experiences which were so painful that the only way to carry on functioning as (almost) normal within our family was to wear a mask.
There is a soul wound underneath each mask
Thus the mask of the avoider is hiding the wound of rejection, the one of the dependent the wound of abandonment, of the masochist the wound of humiliation, of the controlling the wound of betrayal and of the rigid the wound of injustice.
2. Which faults?
The goal is not to blame others for our wounds, but to do the inner work on ourselves.
"We reproach others everything that we do ourselves and we do not want to see" (all translations mine). We tend to attract people who show us what we do to others or to ourselves.
I am responsible to have attracted an abuser because I was abusing myself my friend my sister, hardly sleeping at night, not honoring my body's needs, damaging it with bulimia and never following my intuition (so red flags could have been any other color, I was not paying attention to them anyway).
3. Of various degrees of responsibility
If you are an empath my friend my sister, you carry the emotions and fears of others on your shoulders. Moreover, you feel responsible for their happiness.
However, such deep empathy is definitely not healthy.
I have been able to rebuild my life once I understood that my responsibility was not to fix everything.
4. How to heal our wounds?
"The first step to heal a wound is to acknowledge it and to ACCEPT it." writes Lise Bourbeau
By becoming aware of them. Accepting the wound does not mean to agree that it is present within us.
Accepting means understanding that wearing a mask helped us to survive within our family and environment.
Byron Katie is also an expert in accepting what is happening to us. I reviewed her book I Need Your Love - Is That True? : How to Stop Seeking Love, Approval, and Appreciation and Start Finding Them Instead in the video Thank you Byron Katie #book review "I need your love - is that true?"
5. Ignoring the wound is not the easy way out
Our ego tries to convince us that it is easier to ignore the wound.
But life keeps putting us in situations which trigger it worse each time.
We need to remember that us wearing a mask has to do with a lack of self love.
6. Which parent is involved?
Lise Bourbeau explains that: "[T]he parent with whom it seemed we got along the best with during our teenage years is the one with whom we have the most issues to deal with."
I was surprised to discover this but it made sense. I thought the parent I had most difficulties with was my narcissistic mother (who I love anyway) but the abandonment wound has to do with my father.
Lise Bourbeau explains how each wound is related to one of our parent.
If you are a woman, rejection comes from our mother while abandonment from our father.
Humiliation is generated by the mother for both sexes.
Betrayal has to do with our father while injustice with our mother.
7. No blame nor despair just moving forward
The general tone of Lise Bourbeau's book is very informative and light at the same time.
I love how she teaches us about deep stuff, wounding of the soul, without turning dramatic ever.
Quite the opposite. There is some freedom and empowerment to be gained by that book.
We do not have to feel victims of our parents. They were also wounded and the author herself admits she wounded her children, not on purpose of course.
I feel like hugging my parents, accepting them as they are, not blaming them for the mistakes they made and really taking a lighter step in life, knowing that any wound can be healed with awareness and conscious choices.
"Acceptance is indeed the trigger to initiate healing."
Points 8 to 10 on
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