Things to take to the Jamaica National Housing Trust
1. Government ID
2. TRN
3. NIS
4. Payslips (Last 2 months)
5. Job Letter ( Showing NHT contributions)
6. Go to the mortgage department and ask for the Eligibility Letter
For Self Employed Persons
1. Ensure that you paid you paid up your quaterly income tax
2. Ensure you filed your annual income tax by March 15
3. Government ID
4. TRN
5. NIS
Claudia Davis is a Jamaican Real Estate Agent working in the parishes of Kingston, St Andrew, St. Catherine, Manchester, St Ann and St. Mary. She sells, rents, builds and renovates any and all things real estate. If you're a buyer or a seller Claudia Davis is the real estate you need. Call her to discuss your real estate options today.
WHATSAPP: 876-292-6776
FACEBOOK : @claudiadavisjamaica
FACEBOOK: @jobworkja
Real Estate Consultant
Prestige Realty Management
4 Ballater Avenue
Kingston 10
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