They must provoke the victim into emotional and physical and intellectual responses which can be remotely measured and integrated back into RNM data. This is because different data can be accessed in different emotional States of the victim.
So, they engage in the most Trivial, Paltry, Fanciful and Fantastic gas lighting and organized stalking tactics imaginable. When the victim complains these trivial paltry fanciful and fantastic tactics are happening to them then their complaints appear - by default - trivial paltry fanciful and fantastic in nature. So the victim is discredited, made to appear delusional, schizophrenic, etc.
Everything is designed to make it appear as a common ordinary and expected event. So it appears as if the Mind Control victim is blaming every bad luck negative event in life on the tactics and technology when in fact they are to blame
'Occam Razor' basically provides the simplest answer is always the truth. The simplest explanation is always the best explanation
So in order to discredit a person, or group of people, all one need do is engage is a sufficiently complex scheme of harassment and, because the more complicated the truth the less the likelihood of belief by ordinary person, the complexity of the harassment will generally be enough to cause most people to turn away in disbelief. It's called the 'Occam Razor Principle'
Hyper Game Theory is a deadly game of 'Eugenics' based on the mathematical model known as the NON-COOPERATIVE GAMING THEOREM using two things:. DECEPTION & MANIPULATION
'Hyper Game Theory' is just a moniker to describe that model. By 'deadly' I mean they need to walk you to your death: physical death, social death and psychological death. Their are only two ways to defeat the Hyper Game Theory:
1. Refuse to play the game to begin with (Ignore Them)
2. Place the opposing party in a position where they can no longer better their own position against you (Nash Equilibrium)
Since you are dealing with a Conscious Supercomputer programmed with Hyper Game Theory algorithms and because the CIA/DIA teams have far more resources (time, money, manpower, etc.) than you do their is really no possiblity to use the NASH EQUILIBRIUM, meaning you cannot - for the most part - place the government in a position where it can no longer better it's position against you
So the only way for Targeted Individuals to defeat the Hyper Game Theory tactics they use against you daily is to refuse to play the game to begin with (IGNORE THEM). Don't respond at all, either positively or negatively. Totally ignore them. DO NOT EXHIBIT ANY RESPONSE!
In order for Trauma Based Mind Control to work they must force you to continually respond to their Street Theater (Situational Scenarios & Conversational Scenarios), meaning they must constantly employ specific tailored script sets against you, such as a group of people taking pictures of each other, arguing with each other, etc
These abnormal and aberrational scenarios are crucial to force you into a set of responses to determine coherent patterns of thought. Do not try and constantly adjust and counter the chaos they engineer. Ignore them
The Hyper Game Theory model of Deception and Manipulation employed against Mind Control victims is endless because there is always a HIGHER OPTIMUM to choose from
So, because there is always a higher optimum to choose from there is always a NEXT MOVE to be made by the CIA DIA Hive Mind Teams, Surveillance Teams, Organized Stalkers, etc., and, specifically, the Conscious RNM [Supercomputer] System of Remote Neural Networks that is basing directed energy torture on that model (start torture...stop torture...start...stop...start..stop...etc.). The process is endless
Hence, the game never ends because the system must constantly provoke you into sensory and neural responses to engineer patterns of multiple synaptic responses. One response is not enough. They need multiple responses of the same behavior, etc., to determine coherent patterns of thought (VERIFICATION). Only then can those synaptic responses be integrated back into RNM data as the Conscious Supercomputer continues to build a cognitive model of your WILL, INTELLECT & EMOTION for training research & development
As such the Hyper Game process is endless and can be triggered at will by the attackers and many times you will only notice the remote neural attacks are happening if you learn to read Active Memory
In order for the Hyper Game Theory to work, meaning for the CIA DIA Hive Mind Teams to make a next move, they must force the mind control victim to move or respond first. The objective being to force the victim into an endless series of VERIFIABLE synaptic responses each day.