
What to Model & Where to Begin | Starting Out 3D Modelling

What to Model & Where to Begin | Starting Out 3D Modelling POLYGON RUNWAY'S COURSE:

Beginners course from CG boost:

polygon runway's

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My Free Course - Learn the basics of Blender 2.8 :

recommended graphics tablet:
I use a graphics tablet to paint with and my recommendations are written below:

Ultimate Buyers guide -

Normal Graphics Tablets
Normal Graphics Tablets
*Cheapest + FAVOURITE:*
Veikk a15
US -
UK -
Gearbest (best price) -

Veikk a30 - great alternative is a15 not available
Amazon UK -
Amazon US-

*Most sturdy and with tilt:*
Huion h610 pro v2
Amazon US -
Gearbest best price -

Display Tablets
*My Favourite*
Best price - GearBest
Amazon US -

Heard good things:
Huion Kamvas GT
Gearbest - 15 inch
Amazon UK - 13 inch
Amazon US - 12 inch

*Money no object :)*
Cintique 22”HD
Amazon UK
Amazon US

*What I use*
Mobile studio pro
UK - pro 13
UK - pro 16
Amazon US -

Sketchfab :
Patreon :

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