पेट और साइड का मोटापा जल्दी कम करें
Reduce side belly fat
belly & Side cutter exercises
About this video
अगर आप जल्दी बढ़ता पेट और साइड फैट कम करना चाहते हैं तो एं सभी एक्सरसाइज़ को अपने डेली रूटीन में शामिल कीजिए
hello everyone
I am Mrs Jain ( Yoga Expert )
30 Years of experience
Please watch: "लटकता पेट और बढते हिप्स के लिए सिर्फ 5 एक्सरसाइज़ Tummy, Hips & Thighs by INDU JAIN"
Hello everyone!!
This is Indu Jain (yoga expert) from Antas Yog by INDU JAIN PITAMPURA. This channel will is for your own benefit as it will provide you with health tips and diet tips for wieght loss. And not only this, but it will share some amazing audio clips by indu jain, especially for mind management and vedio clips for systematic workout.
Total body stretching Warm up | Best Calorie Burning Exercises | Cardio Workout For Weight Loss / ANTAS YOG BY INDU JAIN
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Antas Yog is a health organization which would enable you to keep your mind, body and soul in perfect health. With a rewarding experience and practical knowledge of 25 lng years, Mrs.Indu Jain ( YOGA EXPERT )
ANTAS YOG has successfully treated hundreds of patients
We specialize in:
Power Yoga
Cardio for fat loss
Body Shaping Exercises
Power Aerobics
Dance Aerobics