S8 and plus won't get Android 10 ..
How beautiful that we can still do it thanks to beautiful smart independent developers out there right ! splendid aight ?
So today Rom 1 released yesterday by mr Yuruz and it's powered by the latest Havoc OS -
Coolest of this Rom is that it's a zip so being on the latest twrp will let you flash the Rom nice and easy -
Rom 2 released just a week ago by Mr Expressluke is a GSI image as well Havoc OS but now with Google Gapps build in - however to use this piece of Art 🖼 you wll need to Trebelize your S8 Dreamlte or S8 plus Dream2lte first .
Find video to trebelize your device in my video list -
Links : Rom 10 by Yuruz
Rom 19 GSI by Expressluke
Direct link to the file you need on the Trebelized S8 or S8 Plus
This is the Link to Havoc OS with gapps for ALL TREBLE PHONES out there..
How you mean all Treble phones?
This just works on the S8 and S8 plus because of Clever Development by Project Treble Corsicanu , Hades for the Kernel Phhuson and of course the developers of the roms . Remember officially the s8 and s8 don't come with treble.
If you think this is cool project
Thumbs up 👍 this video.
By Channel48