Goa state boxing championship commenced at the Boxing Hall, Peddem-Mapusa on Wednesday. The tournament was declared open by chief guest Col Arun Sharma, Senior General Manager (HR & Administration), Fomento; in the presence of Pramod Acharya, Editor, Prudent Media. Goa Boxing Association (GBA) vice-president Lenny da Gama and other officials were also present. The day witnessed bouts of youngsters across cadets and sub-junior categories primarily on the opening afternoon session and their aggressive attitude was there for all to see. Wife of Chief Minister Pramod Sawant, Sulakshana graced the occasion in the evening for opening of Goa Boxing Association's office and was all praise for Prudent Media for helping the sport grow with the association with GBA. Nikhil Sen, managing director of Veritaz Sports, hailed boxing as a great sport that helps build a tremendous character.
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