
it's over

it's over Seija gives me aids

so much that I actually gave up on reimuB and switched to marisaA
why marisaA? that is a very good question that I don't know the answer of she definitely has a better seija fight but it's still very stupid

Anyway first 2 nons are ok until you have to micro, so keep praying that you won't have to micro I guess
3rd non is easy, just stay high and dodge
all of the spells are kind of dumb
first spell reverses your horizontal controls, it makes moving aggressively harder. The rng can be really mean too
I found a speedkill strat for second spell. it can sitll meme you easily but it is better than what I have done so far
third spell is actually cool but it can fuck you over as well so uhhhhhhhhhh
final spell is aids I have no fucking clue how you are supposed to do that people say it is the easiest of her flip spells which I kinda agree because having all controls flipped is less confusing but at the same time if you get a mentos inside your lane you are just fucked

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