
Let's face our fears

Let's face our fears Ever since I was a child, I always had the dream to build facilities where children who lost their parents could live in peace and connect with each other.
With my YouTube videos I am trying to send important messages and would love for you to support my projects to reach my goal as soon as possible.

In this video I am talking about facing your fears. My goal is to encourage people to face their fears. I was most afraid of darkness and flying. The first of which I had overcome over 6 years ago by going out for night walks including overnight stay outside.
In June 2019 I traveled to Spain to face my other fear: Flying. I got there by train, hiked for 15 days on my own and then returned by plane to Switzerland.

Camino de Santiago,Fear,Spain,Minimalismus,TimeToFaceOurFears,Minimalism,Tigrinya,

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