I’m an avid snowboarder, and once I went to Aspen to spend two weeks on one of the best slopes in the US. After another ride, I had just gotten to the bottom of the slope when suddenly someone bumped into my back and both of us fell in the snow.
Because she was all decked out in ski gear, all I could see were her eyes, but, gosh, they were the most beautiful eyes I’d ever seen. She just got up and walked over to her friends, while I just stood there like a complete moron, watching her walk away.
I could’ve never imagined that I was capable of being obsessed with someone that much. I questioned half of the hotel staff where we were staying, trying to find out who that girl was, or which room she was in, but nobody could help me. And then one day, I noticed her in the line for the lift, so I rushed over to her, but then I slipped, and just like a complete idiot - I fell at her feet. She laughed, just like everybody else in the line, but after a little convincing, she finally agreed to meet me in the lobby of our hotel at 7 pm that day.
Well, our date didn’t begin as perfect as I thought it would. Long story short, it turned out that Helen had a few bad scars on the lower part of her face. They happened when her family's house caught fire a few years ago. She was totally embarrassed by her own appearance. Well, I can’t say 100% that the scars didn’t ruin her appearance a little, because they did. But after we chatted a bit, and after I heard her ringing laugh, and looked into her beautiful eyes a million times during that evening, I made up my mind that all I wanted in my life was to be with her.
I loved her and more than anything in the world I wanted to make her happy. So, one day I sold my car and gave her all the money, and adding it to her own savings, it turned out that she finally had enough money for plastic surgery. You can’t imagine how happy Helen was when everything was finally scheduled. And right before the nurses began preparing her in the OR, I kneeled down on one knee and proposed to her. She said “Yes” and then cried from happiness; she called me an angel that had changed her whole life.
"When the rehabilitation period was over, we went to celebrate our engagement at a restaurant, and finally, Helen could calmly sit there, surrounded by people, and not be embarrassed by her appearance. Frankly speaking, I noticed that by not having scars on her face any longer, she attracted even more attention, since she looked really beautiful, like a model or a Hollywood movie star. No, really, I saw that many men in that restaurant were glancing at Helen, and for the first time during our relationship, I felt jealous.
As it turned out further, I was not the only one who noticed all that extra attention. Each time Helen and I went somewhere, she behaved strangely. For example, she’d glance around and if she noticed any men, she’d inevitably touch her hair, and she'd smiled at the male cashiers and waiters and so on. Of course, this totally bugged me. Once we were at a café and my stomach got a bit upset, so I went to the restroom. I spent about 10 minutes in there, and when I got back from the toilet, I saw that some guy had joined Helen at our table. And as soon as I approached them, I realized that he was writing down her cell phone number. Of course, that pissed me off and I had a go at him. She began explaining that he was an agent from a modeling agency and that he invited her to a preliminary photoshoot. (Yeah, right! What an ancient way of picking up a girl!) Everyone around was staring at us and the guy quickly disappeared, then Helen looked at me as if I were a complete jerk.
A few days after that, I found out that she really went to that photo studio while I was busy at work. At first, that made me really mad at her, but then she showed me her photos, which were really innocent and I really liked them. But for some strange reason, she began thinking that she looked fat in those photos and joined a gym to lose some weight. She made a few friends there and they began hanging out together pretty often. It’s not that I was against it, but earlier, I mean, before the surgery, she used to hang out with me all the time. And now, she would incessantly talk about her instructor – Jake, and once, he became the cause of a huge fight of ours.
New 2020 true story animated that actually happened!
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