Thanks for checking out the channel! I upload 4(maybe more) videos every week!
In this video, I furnish the tiny shell that Lilsimsie made recently! I may be too late for tours, but it was a fun challenging shell to furnish anyway! This shell has enough room to sleep 4 sims in total (with two double beds) and one bathroom! There is quite a bit of outdoor entertaining space, a wash bucket & a line to dry laundry. Let me know what you think of what I did to the shell. If you've seen any shells you'd like me to furnish, let me know in the comments below!
The Sims 4 is rated T for teen. Suitable for children 13 and up. Content may contain violence, suggestive themes, crude humor, simulated gambling and/or frequent use of foul language.
Here are the rules to The Birthstone Legacy Challenge (by myself & hiphiprenee):
Thanks for watching! I hope you all have a wonderful day, afternoon or evening wherever you are! I'll see you all in the next video!
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Red Shelf (I use it for builds):
Twitter: @PWYReal | |
Tumblr: KittyCatPWY | |
Origin ID: KittyCatPWYarn
Editing Info!
Thumbnails: Photoshop CS6
Recording: OBS Studio (32 Bit)
Videos: VideoPad Video Editor
Music: Alex Waters on Facebook (
AND Bensound.com