
(Updated Mar. 2) The Spread of Coronavirus All Countries Cases and Deaths

(Updated Mar. 2) The Spread of Coronavirus All Countries Cases and Deaths This bar chart contains the most up-to-date data about Coronavirus (COVID-10) cases and deaths. ALL COUNTRIES are displayed in the chart including United States, CHINA, SOUTH KOREA, ITALY, IRAN, JAPAN, FRANCE, GERMANY, SINGAPORE, HONG KONG, SPAIN, INDIA, Philippines, Malaysia, Pakistan, and all other countries that have confirmed cases.

According to CVC, Coronavirus symptoms can include:
* Fever
* Cough
* Shortness of breath

Since this outbreak is ongoing, I will keep uploading up-to-date stats in a few days again. Please be careful and be aware of coronavirus symptoms listed above.

United States Coronavirus (USA Coronavirus),
CHINA Coronavirus, SOUTH KOREA Coronavirus, ITALY Coronavirus, IRAN Coronavirus, JAPAN Coronavirus, FRANCE Coronavirus, GERMANY Coronavirus, SINGAPORE Coronavirus, HONG KONG Coronavirus, SPAIN Coronavirus, Philippines Coronavirus, India Coronavirus

Data source: Wikipedia
#Coronavirus #COVID #Corona

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